Thursday, February 21

Moon over Osceola

No birding last night, but plenty of sky-watching. Picked up a cup of hot chocolate, headed to the lakeshore and reclined my seat to enjoy the lunar eclipse. What an amazing thing, rather than little kids in a park playing shadow-tag, watching an entire planet cast its shadow! Not a bad way to end a day that started out with another moving moment: the house-shaking boomBOOM of space shuttle Atlantis flying a thousand feet or so overhead in its last few minutes before landing at KSC. Like many in the area, I used to whine about the re-entry sonic booms, but ever since the morning we waited for one that never came, it's been a welcome sound.
To fill in other bits of the day, I stopped by on my way home from work (getting out at an hour that leaves me competing for roadspace with schoolbuses and squinting in the rising sun) at a lakeside park that provides terrific birding; tons of egrets, herons, anhingas, moorhens, coots, gulls, the occasional bald eagle and lately some week-old Muscovy ducklings, cute as anything you've ever seen. After that, some healing sleep.

I know this is a new blog, and by rights should begin with an introduction/explanation but being a bass-ackwards person, that will come. For now, it was more important just to post, period. Continuity? Don't hold your breath. At least not for long. It just ain't in me.
More soon. In the meantime,
Keep an eye on the sky - but save one for the other drivers.